ancient times, people believed in the magical power of objects. And often buy or make a variety of charms and amulets, which are able to provide well-being in life.
A large part of the today they have a large variety of lucky charms to attract money and good luck, called to change the course of life and the economic situation in the better part. In particular, if we have accomplished with their own hands.

About talisman
Under the pet (amulet) means a certain decoration of objects. To him are attributed magical properties, able to bring to life the well-being, happiness, good luck and serve as an amulet against the negative effects of the outside. The owners of these amulets prefer to bring in the body.
This attracts more positive energy and benevolence on the part of the white magic. Lucky charms can be hidden in the home, in isolated places, where they are to serve as a source of financial well-being.
To put amulets in the projection of unspoken rules should not, as they are able to accumulate the negative energy that emanates from other people.
Amulets to attract money
The money in the world of today will define many things, but even in the ancient times, people wondered about the issue of financial stability. And, often, have been trying to find a solution through the manufacture of different pets.
As it could be in the form of a horseshoe, a great variety of plants and objects. People adorned their runes, symbols, are painted the signs of the zodiac.
Their main colors were acting green, violet and red, contribute to the luck of winning large sums of money, find a treasure, and so on. But even the most powerful talisman in the money and the good luck is not able to magically create a huge pile of money or a bag of gold.
Your main task – to attract success in various endeavors and businesses. And on the part of the person must be a strong promise, as the talisman, full of energy is from him.
This can help in particular of the magic ritual, held during the recess of the moon. It is necessary to take selected of the pet, put ornaments of gold or banknotes of high value.
Then, you must dribble on it a few drops of essential oil (the clover), mentally, at the present gaining a large amount of money, execution of desires in the realm of finance. This ritual is ideal for the success fee of commercial transactions.
We choose the money of the pet
Right pet will help you to attract the life with their own hands, luck and well-being. Today it is quite easy to buy ready-pet in the store, or a store.
But amulets, created with their own hands, have more strength and help you much better. On the question on how to make a talisman, there is nothing difficult.
Lately they are gaining in popularity for the following types of amulets:
The bracelet.
You will need red, blue and green thread. Of them there are to weave the braid, thinking of the exercise of the abundance, of the new work, the prize in the lottery, and so on. Must take the hair on the ankle of the left leg, joining the ends as the bracelet. It is not allowed to disassemble, while the expectations on the money and good luck will not be met in full. Then the bracelet, it should be burned, mentally thanking the Universe for the help.
It is necessary to take the cinnamon stick, a few pieces of ginger, pine needles, eucalyptus leaves and carefully grind in a mortar with the pestle. During the preparation of a mixture of herbs, it should be in the mind of present the so-longed-for dream. Then, you must take the herb in the cloth interior in the bag, cross-linked by his own hand.
The tangle of.
You should take a coin or currency of the ticket and carefully roll up in the yarn of wool, of green color, forming a small ball. The end of the thread is required to set carefully so that the tangle of not PERSOLVO. Ready talisman should be placed on the door of the office, the house or the apartment. Thanks to the simple renal is able to attract luck, money and success.
A coin.
Have powder, cinnamon powder, dry clay and the droplet of honey. Of the components must amass a fairly dense composition, roll a small ball and form into the shape of a small coin. Until the clay has not dried up, on the one hand, you must draw a decent amount of money, and on the other to draw his own portrait. To dry the finished product on the stove or the battery, then put it in the portfolio.
Making any pet, it is helpful to read the following magic conspiracy: "Money pecunia, cases to business, everything in my purse." The firm faith in the fulfillment of what it was intended to help fulfill the wishes of attract good luck and money of well-being. Lucky charms, you should always carry, and the luck will stay forever side by side.

Magical figures and symbols
Almost any object can be loaded with the order to bring good luck and money. Enough to represent on the surface of magical symbols. For example, in the form of amulets with runes.
In the classic version of runes portrayed in the safe, in the interior of the purse or the day of the piggy bank. More often are the following runes:
- Fehu is a reminder to the letter "F", several lifted upward;
- Uruz – symbolizes the success, the action and the sun.
- Inguz – this is done in a diamond shape with short moustaches and allows you to achieve fertility.
Appear the runes can be magical rituals to attract success and wealth.
Popular moneytree and figures in the form of animals. In ancient times, the holy people believed in the force of the animal, trying to keep it in the house. In the absence of this possibility of an animal just replaced similar to with.
Possess the power of the magic of the animals considered to be:
- domestic cats;
- the frogs;
- elephants;
- cows.
Regardless of the choice, make figures must be of gold, of ivory or wood. And always with their own hands. You must also take into account the following points: the frog can be put in the mouth of the currency, and an elephant trunk must be facing upwards.
Irredeemable ticket
Among the most effective of the charms that contribute to the enrichment and fortune, is considered irredeemable monetary ticket. Must necessarily be large. Choose the ticket is pretty easy: you must give preference presented money or found.
And as an ideal replacement for any gold coin or a precious stone, it is the best emerald.
They are the ones that support your easy to obtain and life with success. The most important thing in this amulet – never give your exchange. Store the ticket must be in an isolated place, away from prying eyes. The causes of this rules are very simple – strange the person is able to pick up energy savings.
The deposit of money of the pet
Each defines suitable amulet for himself, and, often, gives the original preference and a very strong pet, with the name of "monetary of the bottle". On the basis of their actions est energy the number "five", that determines the success, collaboration, and hoarding.
Therefore, we generated l of the following components (5 pieces each):
- in coins of 50 cents;
- ruble coins;
- grains millet;
- the sprigs of cinnamon;
- the seeds of ssamo;
- the kidneys of the carnations;
- peanuts;
- black pepper peas.
The above should be placed in the bottle-green glass and all the days after the launch of the interior of a coin of any value. At the end of the fifth week of the cash pet will be ready and will also be incredibly powerful tool in the effective realization of the abundance.
Close the bottle you can't, because it would have just sealed the fate tightly. Feed the bottle positive energy will allow for the frequent use and proximity. It is necessary to take the talisman in your hand, to caress, to talk of the occult. And get in difficult times, for which he began to work with the double force.

Lucky charms of the signs of the zodaco
Protect against the negative effects, to attract good luck and money are capable of amulets, called upon to assume the protection of signs of the zodaco.
Taking into account the signs of the zodiac, preference should be given to the charms of the following:
- Aries: red, yellow, orange color, with the shape of a square;
- Taurus: the decoration of metal with the natural stones;
- Gemini: in the form of a key, the book, the pen or the mask;
- Cancer: images and figures in the form of sea turtles, fish, dolphins;
- Lion: the amulets with burning in the Sun on the surface;
- Virgo: natural stones, they have a round hole;
- Libra: lucky charms with the image of the mark;
- Scorpio: the coins or the figure of the frog;
- Sagittarius: figure of a beetle and the phoenix;
- Capricorn: statues, medals, and coins of different ways;
- Aquarius: aquamarine, lapis lazuli, amethyst.
- Pisces: figures of fish and corals.
Appear the talismans help you to live a full life, that attracts positive energy on your part, according to their sign.
The amulet
As another powerful lucky mascot used by special imperial currency, which is made with their own hands. This approach allows to boost the effect of the amulet, since they "remember" the creator, subsequently, directing the force in him alone.
The manufacture of imperial currency is quite simple:
- with the arrival of the full moon, put a pet in a small piece of red color.
- wrap the coin and carefully the palette green thread;
- the whisper of utter magic words: "the Sky of the star-studded, the sea water saturated. Although, in my purse a lot of money and never luck did not abandon me! Amen!"
- hide ready pet in a secluded place or recessed pocket of the portfolio.
- In the manufacturing process of the amulet must represent a large number of successes in life, the solution of the financial problems and the increase of money in the portfolio.
Then, you must sleep with the thoughts about the future of the fate of the changes in life.
Magical turquoise
Among the stones that bring good luck and money, often emit turquoise. As pet, used in accordance with the regulations. Before the appearance of the new moon you must own hands to sew a small purse shaped bag. And use only natural fabric of blue color.
In a wallet you should put turquoise. With the arrival of the new moon must disclose, to start putting in the interior of the currency and bank notes, not necessarily on the rise. The money is needed to stack all the days, until the bag is full of money completely. You must close with the words:
"The account is not made of the page, and a single piece to thousands!".
Then, you must empty the wallet and re-calculate the accumulated "wealth" of three. After tying the blue ribbon and placed closer to the place of storage of money in the house, or perform in the workplace. Periodically you can carry the bag in your hand and repeat the covenant of the word.

Approach as much as possible good luck
Many people participate in sweepstakes, play and make high-stakes in the business.
In awards which often helps you good luck and happiness of a generation of lucky charms, which are usually:
Goose down.
Take 1 pencil and cut carefully the bottom, where there is no hair. It is necessary to fill the resulting weeding the seeds of psyllium, and after closing the aperture of the melted wax of a lit candle. Throughout the ritual it is important to have in mind the image of the luck and incredible luck. Concluding major transaction, the purchase of a ticket, or betting on the underground, you have to get the talisman of the side.
Black pepper.
You should take a new sheet of white paper to write the desired sum of money. Then, three times to bend the tag on the inside and place in a small glass bottle. Hereafter, fill the jar of peas of pepper exactly in half and carefully way. At the rate, or the purchase of a lottery ticket, just shaking the bottle with the left hand, and the luck is necessarily going to accompany.
The jack of spades.
You will need to buy a new deck, remove the spout of the jack. On the shirt in red ink you must write the required amount of money. Then, you have to place the card in a small cloth bag, sewn with your own hands. There put a few grains of pepper. This talisman works perfectly and helps you to make the correct steps in connection with the game or business.
Catch "the tail" of the good luck aspire to many people, it can is not for everyone. But well done pet will help get rid of the bad luck of starting a new, lightweight, light stripe in life.
A large variety of amulets for good luck and money they are able to radically change the life of any person. With their help you can achieve success in the work, acquire material goods, finding love and much more. But the important thing to remember is that the pet is not able to make miracles, by what is necessary and more to try.
It is necessary to act with zeal in the work, finding sources of extra income, meet new people, and so on. Must be the magnet that attracts money and good luck.